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How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land?
The idea is strange to us.
Every part of the earth is sacred to my people,
Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods
is holy in the memory of my people.
Chief Seattle

And so begins the poetic homage to the earth mother attributed to Chief Seattle, of the Suquamish tribe in what is now Washington state, in 1854. Noble words from a noble savage? Perhaps. Whatever the case, these words endure as one of the most famous and eloquent statements on the environment ever made. The exact timing and origin of the text are shrouded in mystery and controversy. Did Chief Seattle even pen these epic words, or did an imposter? And if so, why? The truth is elusive as there are no official archives. Nevertheless, what transcends the polemic is the relevance and timelessness of the message. The statement in its entirety can be found in any library or on the internet. Google it.

© Danny Kimberlin 2015