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In his quest to create heaven on earth man has brought himself to the brink of hell. He has swarmed the earth like locusts, trashed it, destroyed nearly all the irreplaceable rain forests, polluted every sphere, sucked rivers and aquifers dry, depleted the "limitless" oceans, damaged half the world's coral reefs, and produced hundreds of thousands of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons of mass destruction. And now he's changing the thermostat of the entire planet!

We have met the enemy and it is US! In a recent study done in this country, mental health experts found truly shocking results.The level of free-floating, or chronic, anxiety in a cohort of children was compared to and found equal to that measured acutely in children at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, in 1962, when the world teetered on the brink of thermonuclear holocaust for 13 days. Anger. Anxiety. Depression. Kids on prozac. Yikes! Sadly these young people may never know any better unless we find the will to change (next photo).


© Danny Kimberlin 2015