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Prior to any expedition I prepare for months. The mix of materials examined can include books, maps, National Geographic magazines, the internet, and educational videos. This photo is a stark reminder of one such video.

Julia Roberts did a documentary on the orangutans of Camp Leakey, in Borneo, precisely where I was bound. I decided, therefore, to have a look. It was a marvelous video during which she spent time with Birute Galdikas, Louis Leakey's "orangutan lady." Near the end of the video, with no warning whatsoever (for her or the viewer), she is approached by a huge, male orangutan and roughed up in an "affectionate" but not so gentle way. The screen suddenly goes blank, then returns to a still game but definitely disheveled and shaken actress. She manages her patented, though slightly nervous, smile, concluding in a final interview that the big ape was not trying to hurt her, but neither did he know his own strength!

I would think about this video as I shot photos of several huge male orangutans at close range.

© Danny Kimberlin 2015